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NWAFU Alumnus Publishing Cover Paper in Nature

Author: Sa Wenqing  Date:2017-01-03    

On 15thDecember, Nature, an international scientific journal, published The Seahorse Genome and the Evolution of Its Specialized Morphology as its cover paper online. This research is collectively completed by laboratories of China, German, Singapore, and Beijing Genomics Institute. Fan Shaohua, the paper’s first co-author, is a graduate of biochemistry and molecular biology at the College of Life Science in 2008. Paper link: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v540/n7633/full/nature20595.html
The paper reveals the long-term characteristics of adaptive evolution of seahorses in coastal and island-reef habitat. This is the first paper on fish studies published on Nature in China.
Translated by: Zhao Rui
Proofread by: Yan Xianhui