Home» Faculties» Professor» College of Food Science and Engineering

Wang Li

Sourse:   Date:2018-12-17


B.S. (Chemistry), Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing, JiangSu,China
Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry) – Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun,JiLin,China 


May 2016-present,Professor in College of Food Science & Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, ShaanXi, P. R. China 
June 2015-March 2016,Postdoctoral Fellow in Department of Polymer Science and Engineering,University of Massachusetts-Amherst,Amherst,Massachusetts,USA
July 2014-May 2015, Visit Scholar in Department of Chemistry,University of Massachusetts-Amherst,Amherst,Massachusetts,USA 
June 2013-July 2014, Postdoctoral Fellow in Department of Chemical Engineering,Worcester Polytechnic Institute,Worcester,Massachusetts,USA 

Research Area 

Nanomaterial-based fast sensors for food safety
Aptamer-based biosensors 

Courses Offered

Food toxicology (Undergraduate)
Food analysis and determination (Undergraduate)


Author and/or co author of more than 200 research papers in reviewed journals in the area of food science and technology, food safety control, food microbiology and related fields. Selected relevant and recent publications are listed as follows(2010-2018): 
1. Yingnan Liu, Hanyue Xue, Jinghan Liu, Qinzhi Wang, Li Wang*. Carbon quantum dot-based fluorometric nitrite assay by exploiting the oxidation of iron(II) to iron(III). Microchimica Acta[J]. 2018, 185, 129.
2. Yingnan Liu, Qinzhi Wang, Shuwen Guo, Pei Jia, Yuhang Shui, Siyu Yao, Chen Huang, Min Zhang, Li Wang*. Highly selective and sensitive fluorescence detection of hydroquinone using novel silicon quantum dots. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical[J]. 2018, 275, 415-421.
3. Qinzhi Wang, Yingnan Liu, Yaowen Bai, Siyu Yao, Zijie Wei, Min Zhang, Liming Wang*, Li Wang*. Superhydrophobic SERS substrates based on silver dendrite-decorated filter paper for trace detection of nitenpyram. Analytica Chimica Acta[J]. 2018.
4. Li Wang, Jinbo Zhu, Lihua Jin, Lei Han, Shaojun Dong, Erkang Wang. Graphene-based aptamer logic gates and their application to multiplex detection [J]. ACS Nano  2012, 6(8), 6659-6666. (SCI)
5. Li Wang, H. Susan Zhou. Green synthesis of luminescent nitrogen-doped carbon dots from milk and its imaging application [J]. Analytical Chemistry 2014, 86(18), 8902–8905. (SCI)
6. Li Wang,Yuan Yin, Anjana Jain, H. Susan Zhou. Aqueous phase synthesis of highly luminescent, nitrogen-doped carbon dots and their application as bio-imaging agents [J]. Langmuir 2014, 30(47), 14270–14275. (SCI)
7. Li Wang, Lingling Zhang, Shaojun Dong. Nitrogen and cobalt co-functionalized carbon electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction [J]. Electrochemistry Communications 2013, 34, 68-72. (SCI)
8. Li Wang, Miao Xu, Ming Zhou, Lei Han, Chengzhou Zhu, Shaojun Dong. Graphene enhanced electron transfer at aptamer modified electrode and its application in biosensing [J]. Analytical Chemistry 2012, 84(17), 7301−7307. (SCI)
9. Li Wang, Chengzhou Zhu, Lei Han, Lihua Jin, Ming Zhou, Shaojun Dong. Label-free, regenerative and sensitive surface plasmon resonance and electrochemical aptasensors based on grapheme [J]. Chemical Communications 2011, 47(27), 7794–7796. (SCI)
10. Li Wang, Tao Li, Yan Du, Chaogui Chen, Bingling Li, Ming Zhou, Shaojun Dong. Au NPs-enhanced surface plasmon resonance for sensitive detection of mercury (II) ions [J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2010, 25(12), 2622–2626. (SCI)
11. Li Wang, Fuan Wang, Li Shang, Chengzhou Zhu, Wen Ren, Shaojun Dong. AuAg bimetallic nanoparticles film fabricated based on H2O2-mediated silver reduction and its application [J]. Talanta 2010, 82(1), 113–117. (SCI)

Recent Grant Support

Nanomaterial ystem-based fast sensors for food safety,financed by Norwest A&F University and Young Thousand Talented Program


Address: Xinong Rd 28, College of Food Science & Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, PR China.712100
Tel:  86-181-9273-2015  
E-mail: lwang@nwsuaf.edu.c