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Hu Tiantian

Sourse:   Date:2015-06-16
Professor Hu Tiantian

Name: Hu Tiantian
Sex: Female
Birth Date: July 2, 1966
Nationality: Chinese
Permanent Address:
College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering
Northwest A & F University
Weihui Road 23, Yangling, Shaanxi Province 712100
Telephone: +86-029-87091602(H)

(1) Ph. D. in Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering from Northwest A & F University, China, 2005. Dissertation title: "Responses of Uptake and Utilization of Water and Nitrogen by Maize to Localized Supply in Root-zone”.
(2) M.S. in Plant Nutrition and Fertilization from Northwest Agricultural University, China, 1991. Thesis title: "A Study on Methods and Indices for Soil Nitrogen Availability”.
(3) B.A. in Soil Science and Plant Nutrition from Northwest Agricultural University, China, 1988.

Professional Experience
2009- Professor, Northwest A & F University
2008-2009 Visiting scholar, Utah State University, America
2005-2009 Associate professor, Northwest A & F University
2001-2005 Research Associate, Northwest A & F University
1994-2001 Research Fellow, Northwest A & F University
1991-1994 Research Practice
Northwest Agricultural University

Area of Specialization
1. Plant nutrition and its regulation
2. Theory and technology of water saving by plant
3. Agricultural soil and water environment

(1) Soil Science and Crop Science (3 Credits, for undergraduates)
(2) Water Analysis Chemistry (2 Credits, for undergraduates)
(3) Water Quality and Analysis Chemistry (2 Credits, for undergraduates)
(4) Water Quality and Analysis Chemistry: Lab Analysis Methods (2 Credits, for undergraduates)
(5) Water Treatment Engineering (3 Credits, for undergraduates)
(6) Introduction of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering (for graduates)

(7) Agricultural Soil-Water-Environment Analysis (2 Credits, for graduates)

Representative Publications
Text Books
Xie Xiezhong (editor in chief), Zhang Yulei, Yu Ruisheng, Hu Tiantian (co-editor in chief). 2007. Water Analysis Chemistry. Beijing: China Electric Power Press
Chapters in Books
Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong. 2007. New principles and its application of plant stress resistance and compensatory effect. In Kang Shaozhong (ed.): Theory of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering. Beijing: Chinese Agricultural Press.

Main Articles
Li Rui, Hu Tian-tian, Niu Xiao-li. 2014. Effects of Partial Water Stress on Root Hudraulic conductivity of Maize [J]. Journal of Northwest A&F University (Natural Science Edition), 42(2), 61-64.
Niu Xiao-liHu Tian-tianLiu Ting-tingWu XueFeng Pu-yu,Liu JieLi KangZhang Fu-cang. 2014. Appropriate partial water stress improving maize root absorbing capacity[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering30(22)80-86.
Niu Xiao-liHu Tian-tianZhou Zhen-jiangDai Shun-dongChen Si. 2014. Effects of Water and Fertilizer Supply on Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Tomato[J]. Water Saving Irrigation(2)17-21.
Qi Dong-LiangHu Yang-guangHu Tian-tian,Ma Xiao-yi. 2014. Root growth and distribution of spring maize under different irrigation methods[J]. Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering( JDIME)3211):990-997.
Qi Dong-LiangWu Xue, Hu Tian-tian. 2014. Effects of Nitrogen Supply Methods on Root GrowthYield and Nitrogen Use of Maize [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica47(14)2804-2813.
Qi Dong-LiangHu Tian-tianWu XueCheng Dong-ling. 2014. Effects of Irrigation Method on Toot GrowthYield and Water Use of Maize [J]. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Occidentalis Sinica238):73-78.  
Qi Dong-LiangHu Tian-tianZhao Shi-xiangChen SiNiu Xiao-li. 2014. The Spatial Root Distribution under Localized Supply of Nitrogen for Maize[J]. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Occidentalis Sinica23(1)86-92.
Wu XueWang Kun-yuanNiu Xiao-liHu Tian-tian. 2014. Construction of comprehensive nutritional quality index for tomato and its response to water and fertilizer supply[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE)30(7):119-127.
Che Yin-wei, Yang Qi, Dai Shun-dong, Hu Tian-tian, Zhu De-lan. 2013. Effects of Bubble-root Irrigation on Yield and Quality of Jujube in Hills [J]. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica , 22(11), 108-113.
Chen Si, Niu Xiao-li, Zhou Zhen-jiang, Dai Shun-dong, Hu Tian-tian. 2013. Effect of Water-fertilizer Supply on Tomato Lycopene Content under Alternate Subarea Root-zone Irrigation[J]. Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas, 31(4), 16-20.
Chen Si, Niu Xiao-li, Zhou Zhen-jiang, Li Rui, Hu Tian-tian. 2013. Effects of Water-Fertilizer Supply on Sugar and Acid Contents of Tomato[J]. Water Saving Irrigation, (9), 18-22.
Chen Si, Zhou Zhen-jiang, Niu Xiao-li, Dai Shun-dong, Hu Tian-tian. 2013. Coupling effects of water and fertilizers on nitrate content of tomato under alternate partial root-zone irrigation[J]. Soil and Fertilizer Science in China, (6), 37-41.
Dai Shun-dong, Hu Tian-tian, Chen Si, Zhou Zhen-jiang, Niu Xiao-li. 2013. Effects of water and fertilizers on vitamin C content in tomato under alternate partial root-zone irrigation[J]. Soil and Fertilizer Science in China, (2), 26-31.
Dai Shun-dong, Niu Xiao-li, Hu Tian-tian, Zhou Zhen-jiang. 2013. Effects of Water and Fertilizers Supply on Soluble Sugar Content in Tomato Fruits[J]. Water Saving Irrigation, (3), 5-8.
Li Rui, Hu Tian-tian, Niu Xiao-li, Dai Shun-dong, Wang Xu-dong. Effect of partial root-zone drought stress on root growth of maize[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agricultural, 21(11), 1371-1376.
Li RuiNiu Xiao-liZhou Zhen-jiangWang Xu-dongHu Tian-tian. 2013. Effects of water and fertilizers on tomato soluble sugar contents under alternate partial root-zone irrigation[J]. Journal of Northwest A&F University (Natural Science Edition)413):124-132.
Niu Xiao-liHu Tian-tianZhou Zhen-jiangDai Shun-dongChen Si. 2013. Effects of Fertilizers Sciences in China[J]. Soils and Fertilizers Sciences in China(3)37-42.
Niu Xiao-liHu Tian-tianZhou Zhen-jiangDai Shun-dongChen Si. 2013. Effects of Water and Fertilizer Supply on Nitrate Content in Tomato Fruit[J]. Journal of Northwest A&F University (Natural Science Edition)412):82-88.
Qi Dong-LiangHu Tian-tianLi RuiCheng Dong-lingZhao Shi-xiangLi Si-en. 2013. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Maize Root with Localized Water Supply[J]. Journal of Northwest A&F University (Natural Science Edition)41(3)159-164.
Zhou Zhen-jiangNiu Xiao-liChen SiDai Shun-dongHu Tian-tian. 2013. Effect of Water-fertilizer Supply on Tomato Lycopene Content under Alternate Subarea Root-zone Irrigation[J]. China Vegetables2762):46-51.
Zhou Zhen-jiangNiu Xiao-li,Li RuiHu Tian-tian. 2013. Effects of Water and Fertilizers on Nitrate Content in Tomato Fruits under Alternate Partial Root-zone Irrigation[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 33(7)2139-2146.
Che Yin-wei, Lin Jia, Hu Tian-tian, Zhu De-lan, Dang Si-si.2012. Effect of surge spring root irrigation on yield and water use of jujube on mountain land [J]. Journal of Northwest A&F University (Natural Science Edition) , 40(1):177-182.
Niu Xiao-liZhou Zhen-jiangLi RuiHu Tian-tian. 2012. Effects of Water and Fertilizers Applied on the Soluble Solid Content in Tomato Under Alternate Partial Root-Zone Irrigation[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica45(5)893-901.
Zhou Zhen-jiangNiu Xiao-li,Li RuiHu Tian-tian. 2012. Coupling Effects of Irrigation and Fertilizers onPhotosunthetic Rate of Tomato Leave[J]. Water Saving Irrigation(2)28-32.
Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng, Zhang Jianhua. 2011. Effects of partial root-zone irrigation on hydraulic conductivity in soil-root system for maize plant. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62(12):4163-4172.
Niu Xiaoli, Zhou Zhenjiang, Li Rui, Hu tiantian. 2011. Effect of water and fertilizers supply on Lycopene content in tomato fruit. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 38(11):2111–2120.
Hu Tiantian, Zhang Meiling, Kang Shaozhong. 2011. Dynamic process of soil water in different root zones under localized supply of water and nitrogen. Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas. 29(3):1-6, 21.
Hu Tiantian, Yuan Lina, Wang Jinfeng, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng. 2010. Antioxidation responses of maize roots and leaves to partial root-zone irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 98(1):164-171.
Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong, Li Fusheng, Zhang Jianhua. 2009. Effects of partial root-zone irrigation on the nitrogen absorption and utilization of maize. Agricultural Water Management, 96:208-214.
Li, S. X., Wang, Z. H., Hu, T. T., Gao, Y. J., Stewart, B. A. 2009. Nitrogen in Dryland Soils of China and Its Management. Advances in Agronomy, 101:123-181.
Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong, Li Zhijun, Zhang Fucang. 2009. Uptake and allocation of nitrogen from different root zones of maize under local irrigation. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science. 15(1):105-113.
Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong, Yuan Lina, Zhang Fucang, Li Zhijun. 2008. Effects of partial root-zone irrigation on Kang growth and development of maize root system. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 28(12):6180-6188.
Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong, Yuan Lina, Li Zhijun, Fucang Zhang. 2008. Effects of different irrigation pattern on the growth of maize root hair. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology. 19(6):1289-1295.
Yuan Lina, Hu Tiantian. 2008. Effects of nitrogen localized supply on physiological response and yield of maize. Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas. 26(4):49-52.
Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong. 2007. Roles of different root zones in water uptake by maize under partial root-zone irrigation. Acta Agronomica Sinica. 33(5):776-781.
Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong. 2007. Effect of partial root-zone irrigation on hydraulic conductivity in soil-root system in different root zones of maize. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. 23(2):11-16.
Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Fucang, Zhang Jianhua. 2006. Alternate application of osmotic and nitrogen stresses to partial root system: effects on root growth and nitrogen use efficiency. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 29(12):2079-2092.
Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong, Zhang Fucang. 2005. Effects of local irrigation on absorption and use of nitrogen from different root zones of maize. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 38(11):2290-2295.
Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong, Li Zhijun, Zhangfucang. 2005. Characteristics of water consumption from different root zones of maize under localized supplies of water and nitrogen fertilizer. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. 21(5): 34-37
Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong. 2005. The compensatory effect in drought resistance of plants and its application in water-saving agriculture. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 25(4): 242- 248.
Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong. 2005. A review of responses of plants to waterlogging stress. Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (Natural Science Edition). 34(1): 18-24.
Hu Tiantian. Kang Shaozhong. Gao Mingxia, Zhangfucang. 2004. Effects and mechanisms of alternate water and nitrogen supply to partial root zone of maize. Acta Agronomica Sinica. 30(9):866-871.
Gao Mingxia, Wang GuoDong, Hu Tiantian. Kang Shaozhong. 2004. NO3-N distribution in rhizosphere of maize under different irrigation methods. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica. 24(5):881-885.
Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong, Gao Mingxia. 2003. Effects of alternate water and nitrogen supply to divided root systems of maize. Journal of Experimental Botany, Abstracts suppl.1:10-11.

Hu Tiantian, Kang Shaozhong, Gao Mingxia, Zhang Fucang. 2003. Effects of alternate water and nitrogen supply to partial root zone of maize. p.103-110. In Shaozhong Kang, Bill Davies, Lun Shan, Huanjie Cai (eds.) Proceedings of International Conference on Water-Saving Agriculture and Sustainable Use of Water And Land Resources (ICWSAWLR). Shaanxi Science and Technology Press.