Home» Faculties» Professor» College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering

Zhang Huili

Sourse:   Date:2015-06-16
Professor  Zhang  Huili
1. Basic Information

Zhang Huili, Female, born Octorber, 1969 in Da Chai Aan County of Qinghai Province. Professor. July, 1992 graduated in Ho Hai University  and work in Northwest Agricultural University. From 2000 and 2009 obtained the Master Degree and Doctor Degree respectively in Northwest Agricultural University.

2. Major research Direction
Hydraulic and construction materials. Safety  monitoring technology of hydraulic. Aging  analysis and Research on hydraulic structures.

3. International Activities/ Relations
1. Visiting scholar, Civil Engineering and Environmental Department of Maryland University, USA, Sep. 1, 2006 - Oct.1, 2007
4 .Academic achievements
Charging of one of the National"Eleventh Five”and "Twelfth Five”Scientific Support Plan Subject ,other 4 national projects, including a national agricultural achievements project, and some project is in Shaanxi province .More than thirty academic papers were published .
Obtain national 19 patents, including 14 invention patents.   The invention patent PTN petroleum asphalt polyurethane joint material (sealant) had been transformed into product, listed in the national standard GB/T50600-2010 <<Technical specification for the channel seepage prevention>>.   It has better performance than other similar materials. It  replaced the old similar materials and has been used in more than 300 civil engineerings in China.

5. Communication
Address: College of Water Resources and Architecture Engineering
Northwest Agricultural & Forestry University
23.Wei Hui Road, Yangling, Shaanxi Province, P.R. China
Post: 712100
Phone: 029-87082902
E-mail: huilizhang163@163.com